12 a year photo challenge on Flickr - 2022 - Celebrations

I take part in this challenge with some friends from USA.  Llola started this for her 3D rendering artwork using Daz 3D and then we decided to do real life pictures too.

Llola's 3D Render Challenge 2022 - Celebrations

Our Photo a month Flickr Group 

Click above and take a look at everyone's art work. I'll post my efforts here as well.

The below will (fingers crossed) work as a slide show of my album on Flickr

Popped a few corks since the day but some we never found.

FPOTY 2021 !

My 12 monthly entries for the Talk Photography 2021 Film Photographer of the Year Competition. I ended up in joint first place ! All taken on film and developed myself. Using everything from my home built 3D printed 4"x 5" large format  camera, vintage medium format rangefinder, 35mm SLR and half frame SLR.

  1. Dim Sum,  4x5 on paper negative
  2. Cluttered notice board, 4x5 on X-Ray film and cyanotype print
  3. Let my little light shine, 35 mm SLR
  4. Bullseye, 4x5 on X-Ray film
  5. Which direction in this cave? 35 mm SLR
  6. Random numbers, 35mm half frame SLR - Contact Print
  7. Packed Lunch, 35 mm SLR
  8. Glowing Lava Lamp Alien, 35 mm SLR
  9. Tempting but how much ? Franka Solida II vintage medium format
  10. Speaks for itself, 35 mm SLR
  11. Magical Lamp, 35 mm SLR
  12. Wet work in the darkroom , 35 mm SLR



Look at the 2022 FFFSFA Challenge on TalkPhotography

What is FFFSFA,(FFS)? Fixed Focus, Fixed Speed, Fixed Aperture​

In the past this was a 'Disposable Camera' challenge, however seeing how little chance there is nowadays to effectively recycle or refill all these cameras the FFFSFA challenge was created.

How it works​

The challenge is to post up to three photographs taken by you with a Fixed Focus, Fixed Speed, Fixed Aperture film camera¹ anytime between Santa Claus's visit in 2021 and the closing date in November 2022.

A thread on which to post those photos will be created on the last Sunday of October 2022 (30/10/22) . That will be the entries and voting thread. At the same time, another thread will be created on which to post any other photos you might wish to share, the reject/also ran thread.

The final date for entries is the last Sunday in November 2022 (27/11/22). Voting will take place from the close of entries for one week (to 4/12/22). You will be able vote for your three favourite photos.

The subject matter is open, up to you, do your own thing. Basic processing allowed, but nothing extreme. (I think we all know what is meant by this)

 If you are thinking of joining in then please let us know in this thread on TalkPhotography then you will automatically get updated if anything changes.


¹ Any film camera that does not allow you to change, or itself change automatically, focus, shutter speed or aperture is acceptable. We are sure we can trust that if you have a camera that is almost suitable to put some tape over any controls that would break the rules. If you are not sure if a particular camera fits the rules then ask in this thread. There are some commercially refilled/recycled film cameras nominally 'disposable, single use' those are acceptable or any disposable ones you still have unused.